Jeffco Crew Soft Launch - What to expect 🥳

Jeffco Crew Soft Launch - What to expect 🥳

Hey - hello.

Welcome to Jeffco Crew, a weekly newsletter and community focused on living in Jeffco - Lakewood, Golden, Arvada, Wheat Ridge, Morrison, Evergreen and all the nooks and crannies in between.

I'm Derek, and I live in Golden. 👋

A few months ago I left a healthcare AI startup I helped get off the ground to pursue building for myself again, and this is one of the projects I'm soft launching to scratch my own itch.

I absolutely love living in Colorado - and in Golden specifically.

But I've been looking for better insights into all kinds of things related to living in Jeffco, including:

  • what goes on around here
  • where to get the best local deals - especially seasonally
  • what the "weird of the community" is
  • what the actual best chinese food delivery is around here
  • where the best events to nerd out on niche interests are
  • how to decide which brewery to visit next

You might feel the same way.

Jeffco Crew is aiming to be a hyper-useful and fun weekly newsletter that pulls together what's happening around the area, for folks who live here alongside me.

It will evolve - ideally with your feedback, ideas and insights on what I've missed.

Thank you for being an early supporter, and feel free to send this to anyone else in the area that you think will find it interesting. ❤️